Frequently Asked Questions

Do my customers need a Google account to leave a review?

Yes, you must be logged in. However, practice shows that nowadays about 85% of all people are already logged in to Google on their phone by default.

Do my customers need a TripAdvisor account to leave a review?

No. Anyone can leave a review at TripAdvisor.

How often can the card be used?

The cards can be used indefinitely.

How can you put my company on the review card?

By entering your company name when placing your order, we will find out the specific URL link to Google of your company. After scanning, your company's review page opens directly on Google. This will take you directly to the page where the stars can be clicked.

What is the difference with a QR code?

These cards work with Contactless NFC Technology. This means that the cards only need to be held briefly against a telephone. This works a lot easier than scanning a QR code. This makes it easier and faster for customers to leave a review.

Which countries do you ship to?

To all countries within Europe. The cards are made and shipped from the Netherlands.